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Trait Name Trait Symbol TO Accession Number of QTL  
blast disease resistance BLRS TO:0000074 183  View 
rice yellow mottle virus resistance RYMVRS TO:0000088 24  View 
disease resistance DSRS TO:0000112 1  View 
viral disease resistance VDSRS TO:0000148 54  View 
bacterial blight disease resistance BBRS TO:0000175 36  View 
white-backed planthopper resistance WBPHRS TO:0000205 20  View 
green leafhopper resistance GLFHRS TO:0000212 2  View 
sheath blight disease resistance SHBTRS TO:0000255 37  View 
brown planthopper resistance BPHRS TO:0000424 93  View 
fungal disease resistance FGDSRS TO:0000439 5  View 
allelopathic effect ALLELPATHEF TO:0000624 7  View 
pearl millet downy mildew resistance Pg_DNMDRS TO:0000628 24  View 
Barley fusarium head blight resistance Hv_FUSHEADBTRS TO:0000662 45  View 
wheat fusarium head blight resistance Ta_FUSHEADBTRS TO:0000663 8  View 
deoxynivalenol concentration DONCONC TO:0000669 2  View 
tetraploid wheat fusarium head blight resistance Tt_FUSHEADBTRS TO:0000673 1  View 
NCLB incubation period NLFBTINCUBPD TO:0000692 2  View 
NCLB area under disease progress curve NLFBTPROGCURV TO:0000693 4  View